I can't believe my baby girl is already one. Time sure does fly by. Linnea is such a joy to have in our family. She has the cutest personality. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger. She gets whatever she want. I don't think I have had a happier baby. It is so fun to watch her grow up. I am very grateful to have her. I think Heavenly Father new that I needed to have her keep me company at night, since Jeff has had to work out of town.
My mom helped me make this cake for Linnea. She did most of the work. I think it turned out adorable. Linnea liked to look at it.

I want to grab it.

So Happy!

Not quite sure what to with the candle. But I like to stare at it.

Do I really have to get dirty? I think I will just poke it.

Once she got a taste of the cupcake, she was all for it.

What I mess I have made.

Jeff wanted a kiss, she was hiding.

Grandpa Steve helping Linnea(or Rosey, what Grandpa calls her) to open his gift to her. I love how she is looking up at him.

Having fun playing with this cow toy that makes animal noises. The next day she carried it around everywhere. It was so cute.