The kids had fun playing at the park by Aunt Kristin's house in Phoenix.
This is her cute son Anson.

Aunt Kristin and Linnea.

Linnea has found her thumb again. She lost it for a few weeks,
but she is back at it. She also loves to suck on blankets. It is so cute.

Having fun on a truck!

Handsome boy!

Linnea loves this toy. It is fun watching her try to
get all of the toys. She is growing up to fast.

Mini Jeff. I can't believe how much he looks like his daddy.

Ry absolutely loves to wear his pj's everywhere and all of the time.

Tasia is looking so grown up. She loves using the desk daddy made.

Little Princess. She loves her daddy.
1 comment:
What cute kids....and how fun to go play with cousins!
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